

Afis Photo

Afi Maame Dufie


Collaboration and Open Source Contributions: Lessons from Building and Sustaining a Python Community

Reuven Photo

Reuven Lerner


Is Python really easy?


Anthony Photo

Anthony Mensah Addae


Python & Azure: A Match Made in DevOps Heaven (with GitHub Actions)

Barbara Photo

Barbara Asiamah


From Play to Python

Courage Photo

Courage Asase


Relevant ecosystems that supports tech to thrive - PythonHo a case in point.

Desmond Photo

Desmond Kitsi


Coding the Future: Empowering Young Minds with Python

Elikplim Photo

Elikplim Gamor


Dangers of Enforcing Forced Accuracy

Ezra Photo

Ezra Yendau


Discover how to create dynamic web applications effortlessly with Django and HTMX!

Fosberg Photo

Fosberg Addai


Demystifying ML Workflows with Prossa and Essential Open-Source Tools.

Gerhardt Photo

Gerhardt Datsomor


Loop-de-Loop: The Wild Ride of Adding a fore Loop to CPython

Saddick Photo

Issaka Sadick


Building Responsibly with Python: Ethical and Sustainable Practices for Developers

Jason Photo

Jason Quist


Reinforced Meta Learning: Bridging Human-Like Decision Making and AI

Jesse Photo

Jesse Kayenpopo


Model to Market: A Practical Workshop on ML Deployment

Johanan Oppong

Johanan Oppong Amoateng


Empowering Tertiary Students: Introducing PyClubs for Enhanced Python Skills and Community Engagement

Julius Photo

Julius Boakye


FastDjango: Conjuring Powerful APIs with the Sorcery of Django Ninja

Ori Photo

Ori Bar-ilan


From Dependency Hell to Environment Heaven

Redeemer Photo

Redeemer Salami Okekale 1


Unlocking the Power of Large Language Models: The AI Engine Driving Modern Medicine

Reuven Photo

Reuven Lerner


How to sort anything

Rudy Photo

Rudy Ayitinya Sulley


What I Would Do to Be a Better Programmer

Theresa Photo

Theresa Seyram Agbenyegah


Before you Scale, let's talk SOLID - Significance of Solid Principles as Prerequisite for Scaling Software Systems